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5 Helpful Learnerships to Gain Practical Skills in 2024| South Africa


5 Helpful Learnerships to Gain Practical Skills in 2023 | South Africa 

We listed 5 learnerships that offer work integrated learning opportunities for 2023 by various companies. You can pick a work integrated learning program, that fits your criteria including qualifications that you have to benefit your career.

If you have no idea what is a work integrated program, well it is simply a learning programme that you enrol while you are doing hands on practical work while studying towards a certain qualification after completion.

We all know most learnerships usually flood you with assignments and tests without any field training. But today, we are here to discuss which learnerships are work integrated to provide you with practical work experience and gain valuable skills that you can use in the real world. 

You may also look: 7 Perfect Learnerships for 2024 You Should Apply for ASAP!

These learnerships provide you with practical skills and training you get to do the field work. And be equipped with skills that will help you get a job easily. If you have Matric or Grade 10 to 11, try to apply for these programmes.

Work Integrated Learnerships 2023: Program Providers in South Africa

01. PG Group

PG Group is one of the largest companies in the Glass Manufacturing industry, currently it is offering a work integrated programme for people who are living in Gauteng. This program is focused on raising maintenance and hygiene issues to management, basically hygiene and cleaning.

To apply you need to meet these following requirements:

  • CV
  • Certified ID
  • Matric Certificate
  • Full academic record
  • FET/TVET Certificate

Apply: PG Group Learnership Application

You may look: Top Companies Offering Internships and Learnerships In South Africa for 2024


This company acts as a college also as a skills development provider. With accredited learnership qualifications in various fields like clothing, textile, retail and also short courses.

Since you are looking for a learnership that offers practical skills, TVETSA gives you the opportunity to gain skills in Sewing, Wholesale, Manufacturing and more. After completing your learnership or skills development program you walk way with a qualification.

Apply: TVET SA Learnership Application

03. Clover 

Clover is a well-known big brand is South Africa and the rest of the world. Currently as of 2023. It is offering a work integrated learning programme for young South Africans an opportunity for the unemployed youth to join the sales department as a Merchandiser. The purpose of the program is to provide you with 12 months work experience.

Based in various locations all over the country. Gain valuable experience in Sales and get to apply your new skills in future work.

Apply: Clover Yes Youth Learnership Application

04. Anaex Africa 

Enaex Africa invites all interested and suitably qualified Mpumalanga Province Community Residents to Apply for a 1 Year Learnership opportunity:

General Skills discipline training and opportunity to learn available in the following disciplines.

  1. Administration
  2. Logistics
  3. Mining

This opportunity will be open on a 1 year Contract basis for suitably qualified community members.




  • Applicants must reside in Mpumalanga Province and Communities.
  • Applicants must be 18 years or older.
  • Must have completed N3 / Grade 12 / Matric certification.
  • Clear Criminal Record.
  • Medically Fit for Duty.

Apply: Anaex Learnership Application

You may also look: 7 Perfect Learnerships for 2024 You Should Apply for ASAP!

05. M2 Engineering

Do you love engineering? Well, this company provides Engineering and Construction programmes for youth. If you have an interest in this field and want to gain valuable experience. Here are some of the fields you can choose from:

engineering fields Boilermaking, Mechanical Fitters, Millwright, Electrical, Instrument Mechanician, Welding and Fitting & Turning.

Apply: M2 Engineering 2024 Learnership Application   


Gaining practical skills is essential, especially if you do it from a company that cares about your future work. If you have enjoyed reading here, leave a comment below and tell us what you think we should talk about next time!